Regulation IMF




The following terms and expressions, where mentioned in this Law, shall have the meanings assigned to them below, unless the context indicates that.

  • IMF: International Minifootball Federation.
  • CAS: International Sports Court.
  • IOC: International Olympic Committee.
  • WADA: World Anti-Doping Agency.
  • Member: The Federation/Assembly/Association/Committee/National Academy of the State as a public or private sector whose membership has been accepted into the Federation.
  • Officials: Members of the Executive Committee, members of the Committees, coaches, referees and their assistants as well as other persons responsible for technical, medical and administrative matters in the International Federation, confederations, national associations and clubs.
  • General Assembly: The supreme body of the Federation, which includes all member associations and confederations who enjoy full membership rights.
  • General Secretariat means the administrative organ of the Federation.
  • Executive Committee: The executive body of the Federation.
  • Minifootball: The game controlled by the International Federation of Minifootball (IMF) and governed by the rules of the specialized game in 6v6.
  • Committees: Standing and temporary committees operating in the Federation.
  • Absolute majority: half plus one.


The term natural persons applies to both sexes as the singular applies to the plural and vice versa.




Article 01: Name, place and legal form.

  • The Federation is an international sports organization that includes the national minifootball associations in the world, and its statute was approved by the General Assembly of the Federation at its first session held on March 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Headquarters of the International Federation of MiniFootball is Istanbul, Turkey.
  • The emblem of the federation consists of an abbreviation of the International Federation of Football MiniFootball (IMF) Below it is the curved globe, symbolizing all continents.
  • The abbreviated name of the Federation is IMF.

Article 02: Objectives

The objectives of the federation are:

  • Improve, promote, regulate and control the game of mini-football worldwide, in the light of fair play, and in light of its unified, educational, cultural and humanitarian values, especially through youth and development programs.
  • Organizing minifootball competitions in all its forms at the international level.
  • Paying attention to the formation, rehabilitation and education of young people in the 6 vs 6 mini-soccer game at the international level.
  • Setting regulations and instructions and ensuring their application.
  • Protection of the interests of its members.
  • Respect the regulations, circulars and decisions issued by the International Federation of MiniFootball (IMF), as well as the laws of the game, ensure to be respected by members without violation.
  • Prohibition of all methods and practices that may compromise the integrity of matches or competitions or may cause abuse of the minifootball game.
  • Monitor and supervision of all minifootball tournaments organized by the Federation at the international level.
  • Strengthening sports relations with all sports organizations responsible for the game of minifootball in the world and cooperating with them in various fields.
  • Respect the regulations of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and take the necessary measures against the use of prohibited substances in order to preserve the health of the players and the reputation of the competitions.
  • Ensure the independence of the management of minifootball and avoid any kind of political interference.
  • Respect the regulations and instructions of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and adhere to the fundamental principles of the Olympic Movement and commit to:
    • Promote peace, solidarity, fraternity, and unity of footballers, officials and clubs at the level of countries in the world
    • Support the work of the Federation and non-governmental organizations for the benefit of youth and the development of sports, culture and education.
    • Participate in the fight against epidemics that corrupt or threaten the world and humanity in cooperation with the United Nations, the Federation and specialized organizations.
  • The International Federation of MiniFootball is committed to respecting all universally recognized human rights.

Article 03: Impartiality and non-discrimination

  • The Federation is neutral in matters of politics and religion.
  • Discrimination of any kind whatsoever against any country, person or group of individuals on grounds of ethnic origin, sex, language, religion, politics or any other ground is strictly prohibited and shall be punishable by suspension or termination of membership.

Article 04: Promotion of friendly relations

  • The Federation shall promote friendly relations between its members, clubs, officials, players and in society for humanitarian purposes.
  • Every person or organization involved in mini-football shall observe the regulations, regulations and principles of fair play.
  • The Federation shall provide the necessary institutional means to resolve any internal dispute that may arise among its members.

Article 05: Laws of the Game

The Federation and all its members who practice the game of mini-football shall practice the game in accordance with the laws issued by the International Federation of MiniFootball and the Federation alone shall have the power to set and change the laws of the game.

Article 06: Conduct of bodies and officials

The bodies and officials of the Federation shall observe the regulations, circulars, decisions and code of conduct of the International Federation and the Continental MiniFootball Federation in their activities.

Article 07: Official languages

  • The official language of the Federation shall be English, and official documents and texts shall be written in it, and members shall have the right to facilitate communication in his original language, but he will respond to him in English and its translation shall be attached in his language, and in the event of any disagreement in the interpretation of the texts, the text written in English shall prevail.
  • The official language of the General Assembly shall be English, with no objection to the provision of simultaneous interpretation in other languages.


Article 08: Admission, suspension of membership and dismissal

  • General Assembly may decide to accept, suspend or dismiss any member.
  • Admission may be granted if the applicant meets the requirements of the Federation.
  • Membership shall terminate upon withdrawal or dismissal, and the loss of membership shall not relieve the Member of its material obligations to the Federation.

Article 09: Admission of membership

  • Any national association of a continental federation must submit a written application to the General Secretariat of the Confederation, and may not submit an application to join directly to the International Federation, as this is the role of the Confederation to complete the admission of its membership in the International Federation for accreditation, and in the absence of a continental federation or there are difficulties, it is submitted to the Secretariat of the International Federation to consider this and then rule.
  • The following mandatory documents must be attached to the application:
    • A copy of a registration certificate and a copy of its legally valid regulations and regulations.
    • Acknowledging that it will always comply with the regulations and decisions of the International Mini Football Federation, and ensuring that its members, clubs, officials and players respect these regulations and decisions.
    • Acknowledgment that he/she will comply with applicable laws of the game.
    • Acknowledgment that it recognizes the structures of the Federation, including the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).
    • An acknowledgment that he will participate in all official tournaments organized by the Federation.
    • An acknowledgment that the legal composition of the applicant ensures that decisions are made independently of any third party.
    • A list of officials specifying the authorized signatories and their powers to conclude legally binding agreements with third parties.

Article 10: Procedure and application for membership

  • The application for admission to membership shall be examined by the Executive Committee.
  • The Executive Committee asks the General Assembly to either approve the acceptance or reject the application.
  • The new Member acquires the rights and duties of membership as soon as he is admitted as a Member, and the Member has the right to vote and be nominated immediately.


Article 11: Rights of Members

  • Members of the federation shall enjoy the following rights:
    • Participate in the meetings of the General Assembly of the Federation and know its agenda in advance, and be invited to those meetings on time, and exercise their voting rights.
    • Develop their proposals for inclusion in the agenda of the General Assembly meeting.
    • Nominate candidates for all federation committees.
    • Inform them of the affairs of the Federation through the official bodies of the Federation.
    • Participate in any sports activities organized by the Federation.
    • Exercise all other rights arising from the Federation’s statutes and regulations.
  • The exercise of these rights shall be governed by the other provisions of this Law and by the applicable regulations.

Article 12: Obligations of Members

  • Members of the Federation shall have the following obligations:
    • Full compliance with the statutes, regulations, circulars and decisions of the International MiniFootball Federations at all times.
    • Ensure the election of decision-making bodies.
    • Participate in any sports activities organized by the Federation.
    • Payment of membership contributions of US$ 600 per annum to be paid from the beginning of Gregorian year.
    • Respect the laws of the game as laid down by the Federation and ensure that they are respected by stipulating this in the bylaws of the Members.
    • Adopt a provision in the bylaws of the members to the effect that any dispute to which the member himself or any of its members is a party relating to the statutes, regulations, circulars and decisions of the International Federation of MiniFootball is subject only to the jurisdiction of the official bodies of the Federation, including the Sports Court (if any) and may not refer to the ordinary courts.
    • Inform the Federation of any amendment to the Member’s bylaws and regulations and to the list of officials and persons authorized to sign and conclude binding agreements with third parties.
    • Not to establish or maintain any relations of a sporting nature with bodies not recognized by the International MiniFootball Federation or with members whose membership has been suspended or dismissed.
    • Observing the principles of fair play by stipulating this in the internal regulations.
    • Maintain and update the record of its members on a regular basis.
    • Fully comply with all other duties arising from other regulations and statutes of the International MiniFootball Federation.
  • Violation of the above obligations by any Member shall result in the imposition of the penalties provided for in these statutes.

Article 13: Suspension of membership

  • The General Assembly shall be responsible for suspending the member’s membership for a specified period.
  • The Executive Committee has the right to suspend the membership of a member who seriously and/or repeatedly violates his obligations with immediate effect, the suspension of membership shall continue until the next General Assembly meeting unless the Executive Committee adjourns it within that period.
  • The suspension of membership shall be confirmed at the next General Assembly meeting by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present, and if the suspension is not confirmed, the suspension decision shall be considered canceled.
  • A suspended member loses his membership rights and the Disciplinary Committee may impose other sanctions.
  • Members who do not participate in the sports activities of the Federation for a period of two years shall be suspended from voting at the meetings of the General Assembly, and their representatives shall not be elected or appointed until they have fulfilled their obligations in this regard.

Article 14: Dismissal from membership

  • The General Assembly may dismiss a member if:
    • Fails to fulfill its financial obligations to IMF.
    • Seriously and/or repeatedly violates the regulations, statutes, circulars or decisions of the International MiniFootball Federation (IMF).
  • In order for the dismissal to take effect, the absolute majority of the members entitled to vote must be present at the general assembly meeting to which the dismissal order is presented, and the dismissal shall be made by a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the votes of those present.

Article 15: Withdrawal

  • A Member may withdraw from the Federation provided that the General Secretariat is notified thereof at least one month before the date of withdrawal.
  • Withdrawal shall not exempt the Member from fulfilling its financial obligations to the Federation.

Article 16: Honorary President and Honorary Member

  • The General Assembly may award the title of Honorary President or Honorary Member to any person for rendering outstanding services to Minifootball and may overturn that title.
  • The Executive Committee shall prepare nominations for these titles.
  • The Honorary President or Honorary Member may participate in the events and deliberations of the General Assembly without having the right to vote.



Article 17: Bodies of the Federation

  • The General Assembly is the supreme and legislative body.
  • The Executive Committee is the executive organ.
  • Emergency Committee.
  • Standing Committees and Temporary Special Committees, which advise and assist the Executive Committee in carrying out its duties, and whose duties and composition shall be defined in these statutes and/or Special Regulations established by the Executive Committee.
  • The General Secretariat is the administrative body.
  • Judicial bodies are the Disciplinary Committee and the Appeals Committee.
  • The election or appointment of the bodies of the Federation shall be carried out by the Federation itself and without external influence in accordance with the procedure set forth in these statutes.

                        Firstly: General Assembly

Article 18: Definition and composition of the General Assembly

  • The General Assembly is the supreme and legislative authority of the Federation, consisting of all members who have paid their subscription fees.
  • General Assembly meetings shall be ordinary or extraordinary.
  • The President shall conduct the business of the General Assembly in accordance with its resolutions.
  • The General Assembly may appoint observers to participate in its meetings without the right to deliberate or vote.
  • Honorary Presidents or Honorary Members may participate in the General Assembly Meeting and may participate in the deliberations but are not entitled to vote.

Rule 19: Delegates and votes

  • Each member shall have one vote in the meetings of the General Assembly.
  • The Member shall be represented by a maximum of two delegates to attend the meetings of the General Assembly, one of whom (if they are delegates) shall be authorized to vote for that Member at the meetings of the General Assembly.
  • Only delegates present may vote and may not vote by proxy or by letter.
  • The members of the Executive Committee shall participate in the meetings of the General Assembly and none of them shall have the right to vote unless he is a delegate of the member of the Federation.

Article 20: Scope of powers

  • The General Assembly shall have the following powers:
    • Adopting or amending the rules and regulations related to the application of the rules and decisions of the General Assembly.
    • Appointing members to review the minutes and approve the minutes of the last meeting.
    • Appointment of observers.
    • Certification of Financial Statements.
    • Approval of the budget.
    • Approval of the report of the activities of the Executive Committee.
    • Appointment of independent auditors upon the proposal of the Executive Committee.
    • Determination of membership subscriptions.
    • Deciding to grant or revoke the title of Honorary President or Honorary Member upon nomination of the Executive Committee.
    • Election of the President and Vice-Presidents, each continent shall have one Vice-President and the Presidents of the Continents winning directly, provided that the members of the Continent and Executive Committee accept and vote thereby.
    • Acceptance, suspension of membership or dismissal of a member.
    • Revoke the authority of a member/s of any body of the Federation.
    • Change the headquarters of IMF.
    • Dissolution of the IMP.

Article 21: Quorum for General Assembly Meetings

  • The quorum of the General Assembly shall be legal in the presence of an absolute majority of the members who have the right to vote.
  • If a quorum is not achieved, a second general assembly meeting shall be held within 24 hours of the first meeting with the same agenda.
  • The attendance of one quarter of the members, which must exceed five members, is required to achieve a quorum for the second general assembly meeting, and this general assembly may not consider an item proposing to amend the statute of the Federation, dismiss a member/ members of any body of the Federation, dismiss a member from the Federation, or dissolve the Federation if it is on the agenda, as the consideration of these items is conditional on the completion of Quorum.

Article 22: Decisions of the General Assembly

  • Unless otherwise provided in the statutes, the General Assembly shall take its decisions by an absolute majority of the members present, and the majority shall decide on the number of valid votes, and absent or empty voting slips or other forms of abstention shall not be taken into account in calculating the majority.
  • The decision to vote shall be reached by show of hands, electronic counting or any other available means, and if the show of hands does not result in a clear majority in favour of the motion, the vote shall be taken by calling the names in the table in alphabetical order, and a secret vote may be resorted to if the President so chooses, or on the proposal of an absolute majority, in which case the motion shall be held by secret ballot.

Article 23: Election of the chairman, Vice-chairman and Members of the Executive Committee

  • The General Assembly shall elect the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the members of the Executive Committee from among the candidates nominated by the Member Associations for a term of four years, and may be re-elected for further terms.
  • No member association of the International Federation shall have more than one member of the Executive Committee, including the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, and the member of the Executive Committee shall be represented by the nationality of his or her country.
  • The Member Associations of the International Federation must provide the General Secretariat of the Federation with the names of their candidates, whether their citizens or others, three weeks before the date of the General Assembly.
  • The Chairman, then the Vice-Chairmen, and then the Executive Committee shall be elected.
  • The Secretary-General shall be appointed directly by the Chairman.
  • If the number of candidates does not exceed the number required to be elected, the Chairman shall announce the recommendation of these candidates, but if the number increases, the election shall be by secret ballot.
  • The candidate who receives the most votes wins the election.
  • In the event of a tie, another ballot shall be held between the tied candidates with the highest votes in order to break the tie, and if the tie continues, a draw shall be held to determine the winner.
  • Three auditors selected by the General Assembly shall monitor the conduct of the elections and the counting of votes.

Article 24: Ordinary General Assembly Meeting

  • The Ordinary General Meeting shall be held once a year.
  • The venue and date shall be determined by the Executive Committee and the members shall be notified in writing at least six weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
  • The formal convening shall be made in writing at least one month prior to the date of the meeting, including the agenda and the report of the Executive Committee.
  • Members must confirm their attendance or apologize in writing at least three weeks before the date of the General Assembly.

Article 25: Agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting

  • The Secretary General sets the agenda based on the proposals of the Executive Committee and the Members, and any proposal that the Member wishes to present to the General Assembly shall be sent to the General Assembly meeting.
  • The agenda of the General Assembly Meeting includes the following mandatory items:
    • Acknowledgment that the General Assembly Meeting was held in accordance with the regulations of the Federation
    • Adoption of the agenda.
    • President’s Speech
    • Admission of membership (if applicable)
    • Suspension or dismissal of members (if any)
    • Appointment of members to audit minutes
    • Appointment of Observers/Examiners
    • Approval of the minutes of the previous General Assembly meeting
    • Executive Committee Report on Activities (including activities since the previous General Assembly)
    • Audited budget and Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement
    • Approval of Financial Statements
    • Approval of the budget
    • Voting on proposals to change the headquarters and amend the statutes and regulations related to the application of the statutes and decisions of the General Assembly.
    • Discuss proposals submitted by members and the Executive Committee.
    • Appointment of independent auditors (if any) upon the proposal of the Executive Committee.
    • Dismissal of the person or body (if any).
    • Election of the Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and members of the Executive Committee (if any).
  • Items may be added or deleted on the agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, provided that two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at the meeting approve this proposal.
  • The General Assembly may not take any decisions on any matter that has not been included in the agenda after its adoption.

Article 26: Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting

  • The Executive Committee may call an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly at any time.
  • The Executive Committee shall convene an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly in the event that one fifth of the members of the Federation submit a written request to hold such a meeting, and the request shall specify the items included in the agenda, and the extraordinary meeting shall be held within three months from the date of receipt of the request, and if the extraordinary meeting does not take place, the members who have applied to convene it may hold it themselves, and the members may – as a last resort – request assistance from the international organizations under the umbrella of the International Federation, if any.
  • Members shall be notified of the place, time and agenda of the meeting no less than fifteen days prior to the date of the Extraordinary General Assembly.
  • When the Extraordinary General Meeting is convened at the request of the Executive Committee, it shall set the agenda, and when the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened at the request of the Members, the agenda shall include the matters raised by those Members.
  • The agenda of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting may not be modified.

Article 27: Change of Headquarters and Amendment of the statutes and Regulations Related to the Application of the statutes and the decisions of the General Assembly

  • The General Assembly shall be responsible for changing the headquarters and amending the Articles of Association, as well as the regulations relating to the application of the Articles and the decisions of the General Assembly.
  • Proposals to amend the statutes shall be submitted by the Member or Executive Committee in writing and with a brief explanation to the General Secretariat, and the proposal submitted by the Member shall be valid provided that it is supported in writing by at least five other Members.
  • Voting on the change of headquarters and the amendment of the statutes shall be valid in the presence of an absolute majority of the members entitled to vote.
  • The proposal to change the headquarters and amend the statutes shall be adopted only with the approval of three quarters of the members present who are entitled to vote.
  • Any proposal to amend the statutes relating to the application of the statutes and the decisions of the General Assembly shall be submitted by the Member or the Executive Committee to the General Secretariat in writing and accompanied by a brief explanation.
  • The proposal to amend the regulations related to the application of the statutes and the decisions of the General Assembly shall be adopted in the presence and approval of the absolute majority of the members who are entitled to vote.

Article 28: Minutes of meetings

The Secretary-General is responsible for recording the minutes of the General Assembly, and the members in charge of auditing the minutes, which are finally approved at the next General Assembly meeting.

Article 29: Dates for the entry into force of decisions

The decisions issued by the General Assembly shall become effective for the members immediately upon the end of the General Assembly meeting unless the General Assembly sets another date for the effective date of the resolution.

Secondly: Executive Committee

Article 30: Composition

  • The Executive Committee shall consist of a number equal to the number of Member Associations as follows:
    • Vice chairmen.
    • Secretary-General.
    • Three to five members depending on the Standing Committees.
  • The member of the Executive Committee must have an activity in mini-football.
  • A member of the Executive Committee shall not be simultaneously a member of the judicial bodies of the Federation.

Rule 31: Meetings

  • The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
  • The Chairman shall convene meetings of the Executive Committee, and if two-thirds of the members of the Executive Committee request a meeting, the Chairman shall convene it within thirty days.
  • The agenda shall be prepared by the Chairman, and each member of the Executive Committee shall have the right to propose the inclusion of items in the agenda, and they shall submit these items and include them in the agenda of the meeting to the General Secretariat within a period of not less than fifteen days from the date of the meeting, and the agenda shall be sent to the members of the Executive Committee within a period of not less than seven days from the date of the meeting.
  • The Secretary-General shall participate in the meetings of the Executive Committee and shall have an advisory role.
  • The Executive Committee has the right to invite third parties to attend its meetings, provided that they do not have the right to vote and may express their opinion with the permission of the Executive Committee.

Article 32: Powers of the Executive Committee

  • The Executive Committee shall:
    • Approving decisions on all matters that are not within the scope of responsibility of the General Assembly or that are not limited to other bodies under the Law or these statutes.
    • Preparation and holding of ordinary and extraordinary general assembly meetings of the Federation.
    • Appointment of chairmen, vice-chairmen and members of the Standing Committees.
    • Appointment of chairmen, vice-chairmen and members of judicial bodies.
    • Deciding to establish temporary special committees if necessary and at any time.
    • Preparation of laws/regulations related to the organization of standing committees and temporary special committees.
    • Proposal of independent auditors to the General Assembly.
    • Determine the location, dates and number of teams that participate in the Federation’s competitions.
    • Approval of regulations laying down the internal organization of the Federation.
    • Ensure the application of the statutes and take the necessary measures to implement it.
    • Dismissal of a person or body or temporary suspension of membership of a member of the Federation until the date of the next General Assembly.
    • Delegate the functions assigned to it by virtue of its powers to other bodies of the Federation or third parties.

Article 33: Decisions

  • The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be legal in the presence of the majority of its members.
  • The Executive Committee shall take its decisions by an absolute majority of the members present, and in the event of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote, and no proxy vote or by letter may be taken.
  • Any member of the Executive Committee may withdraw from deliberations or from taking a decision in the event of any concern or potential conflict of interest.
  • Decisions made must be recorded in the minutes.
  • Decisions taken by the Executive Committee shall become effective immediately unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise.

Article 34: Dropping of a person or body

  • The General Assembly has the right to drop any person or entity, and the Executive Committee may put the drop of the person or body on the agenda of the General Assembly meeting, and the Executive Committee may also temporarily drop the person or body and any member of the Executive Committee may submit a request to put the proposal to drop on the agenda of the meetings of the Executive Committee or the General Assembly.
  • The request for dropping must be based on reasons and sent to the IMF Members with the agenda.
  • The person concerned or the body concerned has the right to speak in self-defense.
  • If the motion for repeal finds support, the General Assembly or the Executive Committee shall hold a secret ballot and the approval of the proposal requires that it obtain a two-thirds majority of valid votes.
  • The projected person or body shall be temporarily relieved of his or her duties immediately.

Rule 35: The president

  • The president is the legal representative of the Federation.
  • The President shall have primary responsibility:
    • Implementation of resolutions issued by the General Assembly and the Executive Committee through the General Secretariat.
    • Ensure the effective functioning of the bodies of the Federation until the objectives set forth in these statutes are achieved.
    • Supervise the work of the General Secretariat.
    • Relations between IMF, its membership and other bodies and organizations.
  • Appointment and termination of the services of the Secretary-General.
  • The president shall preside over the meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Emergency Committee and the committees of which he has been appointed as Chairman.
  • The President shall have an ordinary vote in the Executive Committee, and his vote shall prevail in the event of an equal number of votes.
  • In the absence of the President, he shall be represented by the deputies assigned by him and in the absence of the deputies, he shall be represented by the oldest member of the Executive Committee.
  • The statutes /bylaws of the Federation include any additional powers of the President.

Article 36: Representation and signature

The president is the legal representative of the Federation, and he is the one who signs on behalf of the Federation, and the Executive Committee shall establish rules of procedure for the joint signature of officials, especially in the absence of the president for all important acts of the Federation.

Article 37: Continuation of membership

Any member of the Executive Committee, including the chairman and Vice-Chairman, shall be entitled, if he loses his membership in his National Federation, to complete in the same position his term of office in the Executive Committee, in which case it is not required to elect another member of the same National Federation to replace this member.



Thirdly: Standing Committees and Special Committees

Article 38: Bodies of the Federation


38.1. The IMF Standing Committees are:

38.1.1. Technical Committee.

38.1.2. Competitions Committee.

38.1.3. Media and Marketing Committee.

  • Referees Committee.
  • Investment and TV broadcasting Committee.
  • The Chairmen of the Standing Committees shall be members of the Executive Committee, the members of each of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee upon the proposal of the President of the Federation, and the Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen and Members of the Standing Committees shall be appointed for a term of four years.
  • Each Chairman shall represent his Committee and carry out its work in accordance with the relevant laws/regulations established by the Executive Committee.
  • Each Chair shall schedule meetings in cooperation and coordination with the Secretary-General, ensure the implementation of all tasks and report to the Executive Committee.
  • Each Committee may submit to the Executive Committee a proposal to amend its Regulations.
  • The Executive Committee may, as necessary, establish other standing committees.

Article 39: Technical Committee

The Technical Committee rehabilitates and develops the technical side of mini football, and consists of a chairman, a vice-chairman and one to three members.


Article 40: Competitions Committee

The Competitions Committee shall be responsible for organizing events and tournaments and setting regulations and instructions for any of them, consisting of a chairman, a vice-chairman and statutes members.

Article 41: Media and Marketing Committee

The Media and Marketing Committee shall be responsible for the media activities related to the Federation and their marketing, as well as marketing the Federation’s products, maintaining relations with media institutions, and following up and developing social media channels, and the Committee consists of a chairman, a vice-chairman and on to three members.

Article 42: Referees Committee

The Referees Committee is responsible for all matters related to referees, and manages the referees for the competitions organized by the Federation, appoints referees and assistants for international qualifiers and tournaments, supervises the application and interpretation of the law of the game, and participates in the training and qualification of referees, consisting of a chairman, vice chairman and one to three members.

Article 43: Investment and Television Broadcasting Committee

The Committee shall advise the Executive Committee on investment contracts, television transmission, implementation and development of business, sponsorship and multimedia, and everything that would increase the financial return of the Federation, and the Committee shall consist of a chairman, a vice-chairman and (01-03) members.

Article 44: Legal Committee

The General Assembly shall form the Legal Committee, approve the President, Vice-President and members, and the duties and tasks shall be determined in special regulations set by the General Assembly, and the Legal Committee shall be directly subordinate to the President, and its main role is to protect and defend the rights of the Federation.

Article 45: Ad special/ad hoc committees

The Executive Committee may, if necessary, form special committees on certain topics for a limited period of time, and the Executive Committee shall appoint the chairman, Vice-Chairman and members, and duties and tasks shall be determined.

In special regulations drawn up by the Executive Committee, the Special Committee shall be directly subordinate to the Executive Committee.

Fourthly: General Secretariat

Article 46: Secretariat

The General Secretariat shall carry out the administrative work of the Federation under the guidance of the Secretary-General, the members of the General Secretariat shall abide by the internal regulations/bylaws of the Federation, and shall perform the tasks entrusted to them in the best way.

Rule 47: The Secretary-General

  • The Secretary-General is the executive head of the Secretariat.
  • The Secretary-General shall be appointed directly by the President of the Federation and shall possess the necessary professional qualifications.
  • The Secretary-General shall have the following responsibilities:
    • Implementation of the decisions issued by the General Assembly and the Executive Committee in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Federation.
    • Attend the meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Emergency Committee, and the Standing and Special Committees without having the right to vote.
    • Organizing meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee and other bodies.
    • Preparing the minutes of the meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Emergency Committee, and the Standing and Special Committees.
    • Duly manage and maintain the accounts of the Federation.
    • IMF correspondence.
    • Relations with members and committees.
    • Organization of the General Secretariat.
    • Appointment and termination of staff in the General Secretariat.
    • Nomination of administrative staff to the President.
  • The Secretary-General shall not be a delegate to the General Assembly or a member of any body of the Federation.

Fifthly: Judicial bodies

  • The judicial bodies of the Federation are:
    • Discipline Committee.
    • Appeal Committee.
  • The responsibilities and functions of these bodies shall be stipulated in the Disciplinary Regulations of the Federation.
  • Members of judicial bodies shall not be entitled to belong at the same time to any other body of the Federation.

Article 49: Disciplinary Committee

  • The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and the necessary number of members, and both Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall have the legal qualifications.
  • The task of this committee shall be determined by the IMF Disciplinary Committee and decisions shall be authorized by the Committee only in the presence of at least three members.
  • The Committee may issue a judgment on the penalties described in these Regulations and in the Disciplinary Regulations of the Federation against the Members.
  • These provisions shall be subject to the disciplinary powers of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee with respect to the suspension and termination of members’ membership.

Article 50: Appeals Committee

  • The Appeal Committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and the necessary number of members, and both Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall have legal qualifications.
  • The Disciplinary Regulations of the Federation shall determine the task of this Committee and the Committee shall not permit decisions unless at least three members are present.
  • The Appeal Committee is competent to hear appeals against decisions of the Non-Final Disciplinary Committee.

Article 51: Disciplinary proceedings

Disciplinary sanctions are established by the Disciplinary Committee or the instructions of the tournaments.


Article 52: Financial period

  • The financial period of the Federation shall be one year commencing on the first of January and ending on the thirty-first of December.
  • The Federation’s revenues and expenses are managed in a balanced manner during the financial period.
  • The Secretary-General is responsible for the preparation of the annual accounts of the Federation.

Article 53: Revenues

  • In particular, the revenues of the Federation consist of:
    • Membership fees and annual subscription fees for members.
    • Receivables obtained from the marketing rights of the Federation.
    • Fines imposed by competent bodies.
    • Contributions and other income consistent with the objectives pursued by IMF.
    • Investment revenues from the products of the Federation.
    • Financial support from the Olympic Committee / Ministry of Sports / in the host country or any other party.

Article 54: Expenses

  • The Federation shall bear the following:
    • Expenses stipulated in the budget.
    • Other expenses approved by the General Assembly and expenses that the Executive Committee may incur within the scope of its powers.
    • All other expenses that correspond to the objectives pursued by the Federation.

Article 55: Independent auditors

The independent auditors appointed by the General Assembly shall audit the accounts approved by the Financial Committee in accordance with the accounting principles and submit a report thereon to the General Assembly, and the auditors shall be appointed for a period of one year and this period may be renewed.

Article 56: Membership subscriptions

  • Membership subscriptions are due on the first of January of each year, and the annual subscription of the new members for the year in question is paid within thirty days of the general assembly meeting in which they were accepted.
  • The General Assembly shall determine the annual subscription values every two years upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee and the amount shall be the same for each member.

Article 57: Settlement and levies

  • IMF may make a deduction from any assets of Members to settle claims.
  • The Federation may collect an amount (levy) from its members for the benefit of matches by a decision of the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Executive Committee and both the decision and the recommendation must be issued with the approval of the absolute majority of the members present.

Article 58: Headquarters of the Federation

  • The General Assembly shall determine the headquarters of the International Mini Football Federation in accordance with the following conditions:
    • IMF shall have its headquarters in one of the Member association countries.
    • The IMF headquarters country shall provide a permanent location for the General Secretariat.
    • The State of the headquarters of the Federation shall cover all current expenses related to administration and operation, such as accommodation, transportation, communications and expenses incurred by the staff of the Federation, in the absence of resources for the Federation to cover these expenses.
    • The State of the headquarters of the Federation shall provide appropriate facilities and equipment for communications with all members of the International Mini Football Federation.
    • The State of the headquarters of the Federation shall ensure access to the members and visitors of the Federation, when necessary, without delay or disruption.


Article 59: Competitions

The Federation organizes official international competitions.

Article 60: Rights

60.1 The Federation and its members are the original owners of all rights arising from competitions and other events held within their respective jurisdiction without limitation on content, time, venue or law, including, inter alia, any type of pecuniary rights, audiovisual and broadcasting recordings, photographic and broadcasting rights, media rights, marketing and promotion rights, moral rights such as emblems and rights arising under copyright law.

60.2 The Executive Committee shall decide on how and to what extent these rights shall be used and shall establish special regulations for this purpose, and shall decide alone whether these rights shall be used exclusively, jointly with third parties or wholly with third parties.

Article 61: Licensing

The Federation and its members are exclusively responsible for authorizing the distribution of image, sound and other means of transmitting data relating to mini-football matches and events that fall within their competence without any restrictions on content, time, venue, technical and legal aspects.

Article 62: Commercial revenues

The net revenues from sales of commercial rights to international minifootball competitions shall be distributed as follows:

62.1. IMF: 25% of the net revenues.

62.2. Competition Organizer: 75% of the net revenues.


Article 63: Communications

The Federation is obligated not to participate or make any contacts with non-member associations of the International or Regional Federation without the approval of the International Mini Football Federation, and members are obligated not to communicate with international associations without the knowledge of the International Federation.

Article 64: Force majeure and unforeseen circumstances

It shall be up to the Executive Committee or the Emergency Committee, if necessary to interpret the provisions of this Regulation, and shall have the right to decide on any matters not stipulated in this statutes or in the event of force majeure.

Article 65: Dissolution of the Federation

  • Any resolution relating to the dissolution of the Federation shall require the approval of three-fourths of all members of the Federation at the General Assembly meeting convened specifically for this purpose.
  • If the Federation is dissolved, its funds shall devolve equally to the members.

Article 66: Regulations and laws

All that is not provided for in these Statutes shall be referred to the General Assembly of the International Mini Football Federation.

Article 67: Application of the statutes

These statutes were adopted at the General Assembly meeting held in Istanbul, Turkey on March 10, 2023 and became effective from its date.