The Asian Minifootball Championship in Bangkok
admin | 18/12/2023| News

The Asian Minifootball Championship in Bangkok , Thailand concluded yesterday in a glorious atmosphere which attracted 8 teams from both west and east Asia.
The outstanding success of the competition is a great testament for the future of Asian Minifootball.
As President of the World Governing Body of Minifootball IMF , I am honoured and pleased to say that this edition of the Asian Competition has attracted the interest of the local government, football enthusiasts and fans as they witnessed a remarkable Competition over 5 days in the vibrant city of Bangkok. I would also like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Dato’ Worawi Makudi, Chairman of the local organising committee, the special adviser to the Prime Minister of Thailand Mr Kitirat Narathong who was also the former deputy Prime Minister of Thailand for their support towards the success of this Competition.
Along with this success , the IMF and the Asian Body AMFC will look forward to future collaborations and work closely to develop the new sport throughout the continent and globally .
We welcome all well wishers, potential commercial partners and sponsors like FBT and other stakeholders for their continued contribution.