Dubai hosts the International Referees Course
admin | 04/09/2023| News

The International Federation is launching a series of qualification programs to develop minifootball at the international level, in cooperation with the UAE Minifootball Committee, where the referees’ qualification course will begin in Dubai on Saturday, September 30, 2023, including many theoretical lectures, practical applications, and physical fitness tests divided into two periods, morning and evening. The Chairman of the Referees Committee of the International Federation of MiniFootball, Mr. Afqan from Azerbaijan, will lecture.
After passing the course, participants will receive a certificate and a refereeing license approved by the International Federation of MiniFootball.
The International Federation of Mini-Football extends its thanks to the MiniFootball Committee in the Emirates, headed by the member of the IMF Executive Office, Mr. Saeed Alajel, for the efforts made by the Emirates in the success of these development programs, which are in the interest of Emirati sports in particular and international sports in general.
This program is considered the first program that will be followed by many development programs in many countries of the world. Members wishing to nominate its governors should contact the International Federation via email to coordinate this.