The Trainers Development Committee approves its training program in Dubai
admin | 08/09/2023| News

The Trainers Development Committee approves its first training programme Under the supervision of the International Federation of MiniFootball, in cooperation with the Emirati MiniFootball Committee, at the beginning of next October, Dubai will host a program for qualifying and developing mini-football coaches, where a training course for coaches will be held and Mr. Karim Muqdam, Chairman of the Coaches Development Committee of the International MiniFootball Federation, will lecture for the first time. It provides a specialized program directed at minifootball coaches and focuses on the basic skills of the game and training methods in small spaces. During an intensive program in the morning and evening, participants receive all the basic skills they need to qualify them in minifootball training while providing them with details of the game’s law. The International Federation announced Members wishing to benefit from these programs may communicate to coordinate the acceptance of those wishing to enter this course from outside the Emirates via the International Federation’s email, noting that there are similar programs that will be announced in the 2024 program.